5 Techniques for Teaching Online

In our current situation, teaching online isn´t just about teaching, we also have a responsibility for student well-being. When we’re teaching online, it’s hard to get a clear picture of how a student is feeling. In this guide, we’ll explore five techniques for teaching online that will also enhance student well-being. You can use these methods to easily integrate student well-being into online classes.
1. Communicate Frequently With Your Students
When children are studying at home, away from classmates, it’s natural that they may feel lonely sometimes. By communicating frequently with students you’ll make them feel more included and less isolated. It’s also easy for children to lose focus when they’re staring at a screen. For the best in student/teacher communication, the Clanbeat app has a check-in feature.
By checking in, you can keep students focused and also ensure that they’re clear about what they should be doing. Use these regular check ins not only to monitor learning progress but also to monitor student well-being. Clanbeat allows you to chat securely with individual students or to make announcements to the whole group.
By communicating through the app, you can guarantee smooth, clear communication with students when teaching online.
2. Choose Words Carefully With Students
I’m sure we can all remember things that our teachers said to us in school. These words stay with us into adult life and it’s why we should choose our words carefully with students. When we’re teaching online, we’re lacking the physical interaction that comes in the classroom. Eye contact, facial expressions, tone of voice all play a big part in communication. In the absence of these things the focus is shifted to our words.
Because of the current situation, children may be feeling hypersensitive too. This means that the words you use can have a direct impact on student well-being. When teaching online, you should always take a little bit more time to think about your words. When you’re giving instructions, for example, focus on clarity and don’t use jargon. Choosing your words carefully can help you to maintain a level of professionalism in an unprofessional environment.
3. Give Students Structure
One of the most important aspects of the school system is the structure and stability it brings to students lives. This is because regularity and routine play key parts in student well-being. The same should be applied when it comes to teaching online. Students must have plans to follow and goals to aim for. These will give them a sense of purpose and stability in these times of uncertainty.
At Clanbeat, we recognize the importance of structure when it comes to student well-being and education. We also believe it’s good to give students some autonomy over their learning. That’s why we’ve developed the planner feature on our app.
Here students can not only track their learning goals, they can track life goals too. This gives them a clear focus when they’re learning from home.
4. Be Quick to Offer Support
In the classroom, students feel supported by classmates, teachers, assistants and the general supportive environment of a school. With teaching online, these support networks have suddenly all been removed. So it’s natural that students learning from home may now find themselves feeling unsupported. Feeling isolated and unsupported will make children insecure, lacking in confidence, stressed and even depressed.
This is why it’s important as a teacher to be quick to step in with the offer of support. At Clanbeat, we understand how student well-being plays a huge role in learning. That’s why our app encourages students to give regular feedback about their moods and feelings. You can use this information to catch changing moods and potential stressors and offer your support in the earliest stages.

5. Be Flexible With Students and Parents
We’re all living in times of uncertainty so you must have a flexible attitude towards parents as well as students. For some parents and students, this will be the first time that they’ve encountered home schooling. For students, it will take time to adjust to digital learning. They have to get used to their new environment and to find their preferred digital learning methods.
For parents, it can be hard to fill the role of both guardian and teacher. With unemployment on the rise due to COVID-19 parents might have additional pressures at home. Flexibility is important when it comes to student well-being and teaching online. Especially with parents, remember, they’re not trained, teaching professionals.
At Clanbeat we’re dedicated to combining the positive features of digital learning in one accessible place. Our app has been developed by learning professionals and is geared not only towards education but towards student well-being too. By using features such as chat and planner, you can bring structure and support to students who are learning from home. Why not try it today? It’s free, easy to use and will help remote students feel more connected.